Friday, September 30, 2011


only you can create your life no one else can do it for you!!!

Y.O.U = Yes Only U..

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Every minute ♥ ♥

You annoy me more than I ever thought possible..
But I want to spend every irritating minute with you..♥ ♥

Friends ♥

You're the kind of friend that if my house was burning down, you'd be hitting on the're the kind of friend that steals my umbrella in the rain to see how fast I can're the kind of friend that laughs when I fall, then you trip me're the kind of friend that can't bail me out of jail coz you're sitting right beside me in the cell..most of all, you're the kind of friend that will be with me until our last breath..The kind that will be chasing me around the nursing home, trying to hit me with your walking stick when we're old and saggy, and for that I love you..♥ I love you soooo much..♥ ♥.. muaahhhh

My everything ♥

You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish, my realized dream ♥

Love you ♥

We may fight, we may cry, and we may scream at each other..
But put all that aside, you'll never find anyone who loves you as much as me..♥ ♥

On growing old ♥

is looking forward to the day her grandchildren ask "Who was your first true love?", and in that instant I will look over at you and say: He was, and still is.. ♥ ♥

Never let you go ♥

♥ I'm warning you..if you take one step closer..I'm never letting you go ♥

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall apart ♥

The sky isn't always blue.
The sun doesn't always shine.
It's okay to fall apart sometimes. ♥

♥ I found L♥VE ♥

♥ I found Love in you! ♥ The kind I always thought is only found in Fairytale and romantic books and reality has nothing to do with it..You proved me wrong..
Yes! I found Love "the made in Heaven" kind right here on Earth itself ever since I found you ♥

Blessed ♥

I'm not a morning person,
but when I look out my window,
I think to myself how amazing it is to be blessed to see another one ♥

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Moments ♥

♥ I can't write stories..only moments,
because I think in photographs..♥

Friends Forever ♥

I couldn't find the right words nothing seemed to rhyme to write something for you all. I think it will take time because when you have friends that are very hard to find, there's so much to say because you make everything alright. So I will tell you right now exactly what I need to say, to show you how much I appreciate you being there everyday. Through tears and fights, through smiles, I knew everything would be alright. Through love and hate, through betrayal and debate, for you I would always have faith. By your side I would always stand and you'll stand by mine too, because that’s what forever friends do. So no matter what happens with us In life, through all of the wrongs and all of the rights, I’ll stand by your side, help fight all your fights.I'm so glad God gave to me someone just like you. He knew that you would be one of the chosen few! I sometimes wish I could explain how much you mean to me, but it’s just not possible to list a billion things. So I just wanted to say Thanks for being in my life!! I love you sooo soooo much ♥ ♥

Cinderella ♥

For with each dawn,
she found new hope that someday,
her dreams of happiness would come true. ♥

Princess ♥

I'm not looking for prince charming..
I'm just looking for a guy who will treat me like a princess! ;)

God's Princess ♥

I'm God's princess..♥
so why would I settle for a man who treats me as anything less?

In love ♥

We started out as friends, but good friends :)
smiling at each other and laughing
and now we are together
and i hope its forever! ♥

Our memories ♥

I can't put a price on our memories..
but I can make them worthy by adding a few more to the pile! ♥

Happy Girl ♥

your smile gives me butterflies
your lips give me amazing kisses
your touch takes my breath away
[♥ my fairy tale ♥]
♥ YOU + ME = a very HAPPY girl ♥

♥ Life=Fairytale ♥

My life is proof that fairy tales do come true..♥
I have found the one special boy that I want to spend forever with (:

Love me Anyway ♥

When I start acting weird around you its only because I know you will love me anyway.

Forever ♥

yeah we don't have to listen to what they say..
we both know we're gonna end up together..
when we said forever; we meant forever..♥

Friday, July 8, 2011

Every Moment ♥

We may not have much but we have each other..
Our lives aren't perfect but we got it made..
We laugh..we smile..
and we cherish every moment in that moment..♥

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Truth and Realities

I have learned that Promises are not Contracts..
Kisses are not assurance..
Sweet words are not Guarantees..
Big hugs are not bonds..

and nothing is permanent in this life..

Loving someone is not always about Fairytales and Fantasies..

Its about truth and realities..

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Almighty ♥

I refuse to be discouraged, to be sad, or to cry;
I refuse to be downhearted, and here's the reason why:
I have a God who's mighty, who's sovereign and supreme!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happiness ♥

There is no greater happiness than to know
God's love and forgiveness..

Fairytale moments ♥

Loving the awwwww moments in life.
Thinks there should be more fairytale moments in life.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Magical moment ♥

Don't wait for that magical moment; go out and make your own magic

Blessed ♥

In the midst of your little mess, don't forget how BIG you're blessed! ♥

Love ♥

don't worry about love,
because in fairy-tales they don't fall in love till the very last page..
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Hugs ♥

Sometimes it's better to put love into hugs than to put it into words

Monday, May 16, 2011

Never give-up ♥

Even miracles take a little time. ♥
So never give-up on something that could come true.
You never know it could be your fairytale ending..

Friday, May 13, 2011

Faith ♥

If you ask for something in faith,
your wishes are granted ♥

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fairytale ♥

I still believe in fairy tales..♥
Because happily ever after is what makes it all worthwhile..♥♥

Monday, April 25, 2011

Princess & the Hero ♥

I always wanted to be a princess and he always wanted to be a hero..
as fate would have it..
I am his princess and he's my hero !!! ♥

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tomboy Princess ♥

I might be a tomboy,
but it I still want to feel like a princess sometimes. ♥♥

The Notebook ♥

Well that's what we do, we fight.You tell me when I am being an arrogant bitch, and I tell you when you're a pain in the ass which you are; 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate and then you're back doing next pain in the ass thing. So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever. ♥♥

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Love-not an easy Farirytale

♥ Love isn't an easy Fairy Tale.
There will be hardships, obstacles, & moments that bring you to tears.
But the truest of love will always overcome.

Living the Faiytale

You know you're living the fairytale when you feel like Cinderella! ♥ ♥

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Feels like a Fairytale

I have fully come to terms with the fact that Fairy Tales don't exist
but when i am with you, it sure feels like they do ♥♥

Gazing at the stars

I never asked for someone who could offer me the stars in the night.
Just someone to lay down and watch them with, is enough. ♥

Friday, March 25, 2011

Shrek-Best fairytale

"Shrek" is the best fairytale. In others, the prince and the princess are perfect. But "Shrek" teaches us that imperfect people can still have a happily-ever-after.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Our own story

I don't want another Cinderella story,
I don't even want a Twilight story.

All I want is you and me and our own story.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lucky one

Sometimes fairy tales do come true,
and some lucky girls really do find their knight in shining armor.
I'm so very glad I'm one of the lucky ones.